Saturday, April 13, 2013

Masked Identity
Listen to This American Life segment, Switcharoo, Episode 468.  Link below.  Write a personal response and post on your blog.

Through the making of a sculptural head piece and imagery, compose a visual narrative that offers clues to your identity without showing your face. Or you can interpret the term "masked identity" in another way and make sculpture and imagery that conceals your identity.

Use materials that emulate skin and skeleton (trace paper and wire) to construct a head piece.
The constructed head piece needs to cover your face, head and shoulders.
Once the form is complete, video or photograph yourself (or someone else) wearing the form.
Imagery should be meaningful and demonstrate a narrative.
Consider all formal and conceptual components when staging photo/video.
The final solution for this assignment is photography or video.
Upload/post on your class blog.

Response to video:
I believe that in some point of everyone's life, they want to be someone else. I know I do. That is why Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year, just because the fact that I can be whoever I want to be and not get judged because of it and the fact that everyone else around me is doing the same thing. I believe this want and need is due to the mass media. Whether its magazines, movies, commercials, books, whatever it may be, I think they all cause us to grieve over that fascination of being another person. An example of this is the models we see everywhere around us, especially those used for Victoria's secret. They make us girls want to have that perfect, face, perfect body, and make us think that we want to have a perfect life like theirs (even though their life may not be perfect). It all is the same. We look at someone else and see what they have and tend to want it for ourselves or just judge them and their lifestyle. We all wanna be like them! Cindy Sherman expresses these wants through the many alter egos that she creates in order to express her wants as well as societies wants. She speaks with her body language, props, and outfits alone. She seems to not just put herself into her characters shoes but actually think that she herself is that character. Much like actors on set when they are being filmed, like Johnny Depp when he was Jack Sparrow. Some people on set described him as that character himself because he loved playing that role so much that he became that role. We take on our lives by the questions and wants we have of other peoples lives. That is what makes us who we are as individuals.

Work in Progress

 I created my mask to resemble a diamond shape as well as the animal, a bull. This is because I went around asking my boyfriend as well as others what words they would use to describe me and one of the most popular words was stubborn. A bull is used to symbolize this as well as the diamond which can only be cut by another diamond.This was then used in my pictures I had decided to make along with the fact that my friends said I'm finally no longer a tom boy which is expressed by the dress. All are me going against the rules and being stubborn in each picture. All as follows:
Final Product

Me picking a flower where we are not allowed to. I just love how the dress blends in with the actual plant itself.

Me lifting my dress to pee in public like a dog as well as using a cone as a mega horn.
Going the opposite direction the sign is telling me to go.
Blocking the "Pay Meter" to make it say "Pay Me!"
Blocking the gates that are not supposed to be blocked.
Behind a gate in an area that I am not supposed to be in. 


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